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What does A Needy Wilmington mean ?
is one that is a designation that is especially important. It describes those who are in want marked by a lack of affection, attention, or emotional support within Wilmington.
H.O.P.E. Helping our Pilots Excel
H.O.P.E. Ayudando a nuestros pilotos
So students can be students. The HOPE Closet – Is getting bare and it’s time to replenish up again with basic everyday items that students needs to start their day. (ex. bath soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, hair grooming products, female personal products etc.
These items have to be store bought due to school regulations. (Sorry no donated items)
• Cheese or peanut butter crackers
• Beef jerky
• Applesauce
• Pudding
• Fruit cups
• Granola bars
• Power bars
• Cereal bars
• Packaged nuts
• Trail mix
• Fruit snacks
• Dried fruits
• Peanut butter cups with crackers
• Individually packaged chips/pretzels/Goldfish
• Boxed drinks and juices
• Pop tarts (Ready to eat / doesn’t require a toaster)
• Any donations of these type
Please make sure to tape down shampoo, conditioner and body was to prevent spillage. Items can be bought at 99 cent only stores, dollar tree, big lots, sams club, costco, or where you locally shop.
immediate need laundry detergent, bleach, fabric softener. fabric softener sheets
a sobresalir para que los estudiantes puedan ser estudiantes.
El armario de HOPE: se está poniendo al descubierto y es hora de reabastecerse de nuevo con elementos básicos de uso diario que los estudiantes necesitan para comenzar su día. (ej. jabón de baño, champú, acondicionador, cepillo de dientes, pasta de dientes, enjuague bucal, productos para el cuidado del cabello, productos personales femeninos, etc.
Estos artículos deben comprarse en la tienda debido a las regulaciones escolares. (Lo siento, no hay artículos donados)
• Galletas de queso o mantequilla de maní
• Carne seca
• puré de manzana
• pudín
• tazas de frutas
• Barras de granola
• Barras de energía
• Barras de cereal
• Nueces empaquetadas
• Mezcla de frutos secos
• Bocadillos de fruta
• Frutas secas
• Tazas de mantequilla de maní con galletas saladas
• Papas fritas / pretzels / Goldfish empacados individualmente
• Bebidas y jugos en caja.
• Pop tarts (Listo para comer / no requiere una tostadora)
• Cualquier donación de este tipo.
Asegúrese de pegar con cinta adhesiva el champú, el acondicionador y el cuerpo para evitar derrames. Los artículos se pueden comprar en tiendas de solo 99 centavos, Dollar Tree, lotes grandes, Sams Club, Costco o donde compre localmente.
Necesidad inmediata de detergente para ropa, lejía y suavizante. hojas de suavizante de telas

Please donate to A Needy Wilmington today.
Any other platforms or questions please ask. Donations can be made anonymously.
This is one way the community can help. Please first SHARE this web page with 3 people via email, social media, text or just word of mouth then encourage others to partner with us to help others.
Cashapp ( iOS or Android )
Direct Deposit, ACH or Check online
Self-Help Federal Credit Union
Name: Needy Wilmington Corp.
Account No. 88014610240002
Routing No. 322273696
Checks can me made out to
Needy Wilmington Corp.
PO Box 1753
Wilmington, CA. 90748 -1753
Donate to A Needy Wilmington through Zeffy